Saturday, August 05, 2006

Its been a bad day, please don't my picture...

Work has been sucking a big nut the last day or two, so I've been watching these two Ok Go! videos repeatedly to cheer myself up. Enjoy...

A Million Ways video.

Here It Goes Again video. (Ok Go, on Treadmills).

Dear Coworker,

If you so much as look at me, I will make the eye daggers coming out of my eyes morph into plastic sporks and poke you in your eyeballs. If you yell at me, if you show me any disrespect ever again, I will do more than say, "Do not speak to me that way." Plastic sporks, pal, plastic sporks.




Anonymous said...

Did you ever shoot imaginary plastic spork eye daggers at me when we worked together?

jenniferocious! said...

Dearest Jane, I can confidently say I did not shoot plastic spork eye daggers at you ever. I reserve plastic spork eye daggers for wicked people who start shouting matches with me and clearly have a lack of respect for me.