Maybe. I'm not willing to concede defeat over the entire state of Connecticut just yet. I know I've said some not so nice things about Connecticut in the past (
you know like that time I said I would blow up the entire state and build a bridge from Massachusetts to New York, or that time I said the Hartford Civic Center's beer selection was the only good thing the state had going for it...) but it seems that my work travels will bring me to Waterbury, CT at the end of February. What this means to you, my friends residing in the states directly above or below Connecticut is that you're hanging out with me. What? No, you don't have a choice in the matter.
Do you live in Massachusetts, Connecticut, or New York City? Do you want me to kiss your baby/drink a beer with me/cause a ruckus in a rental car between February 25th and March 4th? Hit a girl up and we'll work out dates and times.
Unrelated, but Awesome:This would be amazing to have on my wall.
I live in one of those states and have a baby for you to kiss. What an amazing coincedence.
Brad, what a remarkable coincidence! I'll give you a shout in a couple weeks when I've got a better idea of what my schedule is going to look like while I'm there. I'd love to see you, Ashley, and little miss Emma.
okay you.
have you forgotten about your fabulous friend in lower fairfield county of ct.
i have no babies for you to kiss (at least not of my own, but there are plenty in the 'brary), but i do have excellent shoes, great company and a friend that i miss who is coming to CT. and i am like an hour away. come stay with me!!
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