This past weekend, Adam and I attended a Harlem Globetrotters game because we are winners! You can read all about how we won this glorious prize in Adam's blog. I say "we" won the tickets even though "they" chose Adam's name out of the bucket because Adam wouldn't have won anything if I hadn't invited him to the free beer party. Okay, sure, fine, I'm justifying my winner status in life through Harlem Globetrotters tickets.
So, right, the game. "The Game".
It was an intense game, good thing there was beer to calm my nerves. On the subject of beer, way to go Hartford Civic Center for having a wide selection of beer. I appreciate your concern for me, a worldly-wise beer drinking snob. Your beer selection is the best thing Connecticut has going for it.
As I said, the game was intense...Adam can't stop biting his nails he's so nervous about who is going to win the game:
The Harlem Globetrotters who have named themselves the True Ambassadors of Goodwill or somesuch have been around for 80 years. They are currently on their Unstoppable Tour which sounds like the latest Britney Spears tour, if she were still culturally relevant. And speaking of culturally relevant, is the "bump" hairstyle still culturally relevant:
So not only are those Globetrotters stellar athletes, they're comedians too! They stole a ladies purse then made Whitey on the other team run around playing basketball with it! They also know how to dance in unison to Kanye West songs: Athletes, ambassadors of goodwill, comedians, AND boys with rhythm!
They also had a weird, dancing Globie the Inflatable Dancing Globetrotter mascot, which simultaneously thrilled, entertained, and headbutted:Too much beer obviously had effect on my photography skillz. This photo came out upside-down!
SO IN CONCLUSION, the Globetrotters won the game and Adam and I spent too much money on beer. El Fin.
Other points of interest to me and nobody else:
I am not religious at all, nor am I Catholic and thus not required to sacrifice a comfort of my life to symbolize something that Mr. Jesus suffered through in those old timey years, however, I have decided that I'm going to be a vegetarian (for real this time) under the guise of Lent. Its a relatively short term commitment this way and if I choose, I can stick with it beyond Easter or whenever the sacrificial time ends.
And in honor of being a true blue vegetarian again, I would like to share with you all, my deeeelicious recipe for Veggie Chili:
1 small zucchini, chopped
1/2 red pepper, chopped
1/2 green pepper, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
1 big carrot or a few baby carrots, chopped
1/4 cup of frozen corn
1 big can of diced tomatoes
3 small cans of tomato juice
1 can of kidney beans (don't drain)
1 clove of chopped garlic (small teaspoon of minced garlic is okay)
chili powder
garlic salt
Sauteé the celery, carrots, onions, and garlic in olive oil. While they're cooking, chop up your peppers and throw those in the pot too. Add the can of kidney beans in their beany juice, corn, zucchini, and the diced tomatoes in their juice to the mix. Stir it up. Add one can of tomato juice at a time, letting the mixture cook a bit between adding cans of tomato juice. Add a smidge of oregano, basil, salt pepper, garlic salt, paprika, and cumin. Add the chili powder to your desired chili flavor. Stir and bring to a boil. Once its boiling, turn the heat down and simmer uncovered for at least 20 minutes or to your desired thickness(I usually let simmer for about 40ish, the longer it cooks the more the flavors mesh together.). Let cool and serve with your preferred cheese (I was born in Wisconsin, so I prefer cheddar). Add chopped green onions and/or sour cream if you like. Yummy!
This freezes really well, so make extra and throw it in the freezer.
Man, that gets me so hot.
I attended a business luncheon that would make anyone who knew me in college laugh because I always said how lame business luncheons were. But I love them now because I get out of work free, free food, learning, AND networking! Today's Tourism Tuesday was about marketing research in the Berk-sheers. In related news, we have a big important meeting with our Board of Directors at work this week, so I've been preparing bar graphs and pie charts, and other statistically oriented information which I haven't had an opportunity to do since that Head Count project for the Student Center in my glorious, youthful college days. But man, I can't even tell you how much I love putting stats and charts and graphs together. LOVE IT. I'm in it for the analysis. Please don't tell my creatively-minded self that I secrely adore bar graphs and pie charts. And now that I've revealed my inner nerd...
Leavitt out.
Incidentially, what steps do I need to take to set myself on a path to eventually be leading your life? :)
Todd, its easy! My life is equal parts comically oversized sunglasses, non-mysogonistic rap, and intramural freestyle walking.
If you desire further instruction you can join my summer intensive work-study program- space is still available.
I enjoy charts as well. For artistic exprerssion, I make them impressionist.
I hate "ditto" ping comments, but I'm going to have to ditto Todd on this one.
Todd! Mark! Come live with me in my house! Exclamatory statement!
Brad, you are an oxymoron.
Jen, I had you credit, your response was in fact perfect. Not that I expected any less.
As for the living in your house offer, I still have two and a half years left before I graduate from the training course, but don't be surprised if, in two and a half years, you get a call from me saying "I'm 45 minutes away, make an extra set of keys."
The answer is No, Jen. The answer is No.
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