"You have to work on President’s Day? Didn’t you know that is the day we should all spend thinking about our favorite Presidents and writing poems about Presidents and making arts and crafts projects about Presidents and watching movies about Presidents and drinking El Presidente margaritas at Chilis??? Why do you hate Ohmerica?"
THAT is how I will be celebrating President's Day. Does anybody in Illinois rem

And am I the only one who finds Mr. Lincoln incredibly sexy? His good looks match his wit, but that goes without saying, really.
A note to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
Please consider observing Count General Casimir Pulaski Day (the first Monday in March). If you love the man enough to erect a statue of him on Main Street in Northampton, please be kind and honor him with his own day which I will spend listening to Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens and holding a candlelight vigil by his statue. Perhaps Sufjan himself will show and sing that song! (Okay, that last part is idealistic dreaming- I really want to love Sufjan long time.)

He is a true American hero, even if he was Polish and fought in the Revolutionary War because he hated France and was not actually an American, but really, who was American back then? Nobody, that's who. And France? When has anybody liked them? Never, that's when.
How is it possible that you, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, can have the World's Largest Pancake Breakfast Festival, but nary a day for Casimir Pulaski? Why do you hate Ohmerica?
This town in Georgia is showing us up- they have an entire parde for the dude. And quite frankly, its embarasssing that we can't show a little more pride for our Revolutionary War heroes.
1. I love Pulaski day because it almost always turns my birthday into a three day weekend.
2. I'm going to watch my favorite President movies on Monday, just for you. An American President, Dave, and All the President's Men.
I miss Mr. Pulaski, my high school history teacher. He taught me all about the Other Mr. Pulaski.
Jane- Parent/teacher conference almost always fell on my birthday- three day birthday weekends should be mandatory.
Mark- Oh Mr. Pulaski! They should have a day off in honor of him (if they don't already..) I've had Mr. Passmore on the brain since I began rereading The Great Gatsby.
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