We drove around the brownish-greyish months long depression known as Winter, getting high night after night, drinking ourselves stupid. I rest my forehead against the chilly Honda's window watching as the gravel road disappears beneath us. Mile after mile, I felt myself so uncertain of all the promises made; I wanted to jump out of that car in the cold February night, I wanted to tell you that we didn't need any of this: the shots of whiskey, the drugs, the music that kept us glued in those toxic teenage years. This wasn't fun anymore, this was not what it once was (and rarely does life ever stay a static course). I begged, I pleaded with you that to take my hand and let's head for the border, far away. But you didn't understand why anyone would leave, and I couldn't understand why anyone would stay.
And the words of two years earlier came back to haunt me: "there is nothing for me there" but what you heard was "There are no reasons for me to be there- not even you."
The last five years are a fuzzy memory, but I am stronger than ever.
Who would win in a fight: Chuck Norris v. MacGyver?
Because, you, my dear readers (all 4 of you), are internet savvy people, I assume you're familiar with Chuck Norris' newfound internet cult status. Personally, I enjoy this student's English class project on the subject of Mr. Norris.
That MacGyver commercial during the Superbowl last night was one of my favorites. If you missed it, check out the commercial here. Poor MacGyver, retiring from getting out of hairy situations with only a paperclip and a piece of string has left him a bit out of shape. But that Botox seems to have kept his face dashing and wrinkle-free. Also, where did the other tube sock go, MacGyver?
And speaking of the Superbowl...
My football knowledge is limited to Mike Ditka, Brett Favre (my dad comandeered our vacation to Canada one summer and forced my sister, mum, and I to worship at the altar of the Green Bay Packers...), and uhhhh....the Fifth Quarter of the University of Wisconsin football games (the Fifth Quarter, incidentally, is the marching band's big show and tribute to BEER!CHEESE!and all things Wisconsin). ANYWAYS, I had absolutely nothing at stake with this year's game since Mike Ditka will always be a winner in my book. Last year, I did not watch the Super!Bowl, but opted for The Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. Check out the preview from this year's Puppy Bowl. And for extra fun, check out the Kitty Halftime show too. Don't you love the old-timey music? Can you imagine the puppies and kitties should be wearing flapper dresses and doing the Charleston? If anyone can find a picture of a puppy dressed like a flapper, I will make you a tribute mix CD. Extra points to anyone who dresses their own puppy like a flapper and takes a photo.
And while we're on the subject of puppies and kitties. Everyone, go vote for my kitten, Napkin, at Kittenwars.

Don't you want to eat this kitty? I do. Because I eat kittens for breakfast.
VD Day is coming (Or: Adventures in Ebay shopping).
I'm going to buy this and send it to Jake Gyllenhaal to show him how much I love him.
This would make a perfect gift for your loved ones. Or maybe these for your girlfriend with size 9 feet.
Special Valentine's Unit: The perfect way to show you care...about the criminal justice system.
Speaking of gay.
I can't really get enough of Project Runway. Daniel V. is the most adorable gay man ever. I want to put him in my pocket and keep him. I have fantasies where we are best friends and we go to gay clubs togeth

I was watching a recent episode and the judges were deliberating over the designs and Heidi Klum said, "I am ready to give Santino my Auf Wiedersahen!" From now on, when I get mad or I disagree, I'm going to voice my argument-ending opinion thusly: "I'm giving you my Auf Wiedersahen!"
And just so you don't forget to Never Forget...
"But you didn't understand why anyone would leave, and I couldn't understand why anyone would stay." Oh, ~sniffle~.
I can't help you with the photo post thing. Blogger and I aren't on speaking terms right now. But best of luck to you.
Could it be your popup blocker?
It is not my popup blocker- the box pops up and I upload the file that I want but then when I click Upload, I get an error message.
This post would have been a gajillion times better with photos.
Oh Jane! I didn't mean to make you sniffle.
The reason I thought of that random memory was because I was thinking about what I did for last year's SuperBowl and realized I had not been in Europe as I thought, but actually...driving around getting stoned and then watching the Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet. So it came from a silly place.
Leaving Rockford has been in my genetic makeup since age 5, I've come to accept this truth about myself, but its a nice place with delicious Beef-a-Roo, so I have nothing but love for the Rock-town.
I am not sad, and I hope you are not either.
The ~sniffle~ is not about Rockford. Your quote gave me flashbacks to my own departure from East Bumfuck, North Dakota.
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