Sunday, February 26, 2006

Let's go to the movies!

The Washington Post have given their suggestions on how to throw an Oscar themed party for this year's festivities. Basically, its a how to of dressing like the main characters from the movie and what to drink. I was put off by their suggestion that to dress like Johnny Cash in Walk the Line, you should look like Johnny Depp impersonating Andy Warhol dressed like Neo from the Matrix. The Washington Post has their movies mixed up- gay cowboys are in Brokeback Mountain, not Walk the Line.

What my gay cowboy party would be like:
1. Disco mirror ball.
2. Madonna's The Immaculate Collection and that ABBA/disco junk she's all about these days.
3. Lassos.
4. Cowboy shirts in a print with cowboy boots. That shirt is more Midwestern Suburban Mom than gay cowboy. (And I don't care how allegedly gay you are, cowboys drink beer.)

Were I to throw an Oscar Party, I'd probably go with a Springtime for Hitler theme- I mean, Munich.

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