Sunday, January 14, 2007


In between working and working out and generally avoiding being outside (hello, 4 degree weather, what's up buzzkill?), I had time for the following this weekend:

Watching Veronica Mars Season 1 on D-V-D
Oh that Veronica Mars. Always getting herself into trouble. I love this show.

Reading "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas" by Tom Robbins
Slow to start, but picks up in classic Robbins fashion. Still not as epic as Even Cowgirls Get the Blues and Still Life with Woodpecker.

Watching a documentary on Al Capone and the St. Valentine's Massacre on the History Channel
Did you know Al Capone was let out of Alcatraz because he suffered from dementia caused by untreated syphilis? Federal officials deemed him a threat to no one. The people that took over his South Side Chicago gang while he was in prison let him continue to believe that he was still in charge after he was released from prison because he was so far gone. Near the end of his life, Capone would spend most of his time fishing in his pool talking to all the people he had murdered in his past.

Listening to all the archived "This American Life" podcasts I could find
Ira Glass, I love you.

Buying a new dress for my work conference in Houston
Its fun to buy things (you can buy many things at the mall!), its even easier on my pocketbook when I have a legitimate reason to buy said items.

And analyzing the Harry Potter books from varying literary criticism approaches (Archetypal vs. Structuralist/Formalism)
I stopped short of writing a 3 - 5 page paper. Lots of research. As proven before: I am a nerd. And Harry Potter is the archetypal hero, like the Baby Jesus. And I'm intrigued by the underlying modern day reflections on our own society JK Rowling is presenting in her fantasy based series: the corruption of government, the media's falsification and sensationalism of the truth, blahblahblah.

Basically, this is what happens when its so cold out that I get stuck indoors all weekend. Nerdy nerdism abounds all over the place. I am so S-M-R-T. And I get very productive on the working and not so productive on the laundry, like I should be.


Anonymous said...

I care for the Potter-Jesus observation. We all need a literary messiah to make us feel like sub-humans again. (See Jack Ryan for previous saviordom)

jenniferocious! said...

Brad, I am hopeful that Harry does not die for our literary sins this July in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It would completely ruin my summer.

Anonymous said...

Hey busy girl! I miss you!