2006, randomly:+saw the Harlem Globetrotters play
+spent a lot of time in NY
+moved across the country (again)
+great friends!
+put on a play with the aforementioned great friends
+made a golf cart into a dinosaur
2007, hopefully:+Japan!
+move across the country (again)
+more school
+more great friends!
Home, again.As you should all have figured out by now, I did make it home for Christmas and managed to spend an evening out with my bestest of pals, Mark. What was supposed to be one drink at the local watering hole ("The Firehouse"...apparently, "The Wiffle Tree" is so passe these days) turned into closing out the bar. With any trip to a local bar, particularly at holiday times, I expect to see someone vaguely familiar from high school and well....that would be a gross understatement this time. It all reminded me of the conversation Mark and I had in Ms. Schubert's homeroom about how we had yet to reach our peak of cool in high school and if my memory wasn't so clouded by all those mixed drinks, I could have sworn we revisited that topic again at the bar that night. Well, in any case, I saw a few friendly faces, a few people who apparently have better memories than me or really, I am a heartless bitch who doesn't remember that guy I dated for a week in the middle of 10th grade. Its not that I didn't like myself in high school, its just that I don't really identify with that person so when distant acquaintances of junior and high school bring up that time that I did that embarassing thing and ohmygod don't you remember that and how do you feel about it now? And well, I don't really want to relive that. Its like the guy from that classic (but not as classic as say, The Breakfast Club or other John Hughes fare) high school flick, Can't Hardly Wait:
after being hit on by drunk guys Reminiscing Guy: Hey Amanda.
Amanda Becket: Hey.
Reminiscing Guy: Remember that time we danced at the sock hop?
Amanda Becket: Yeah.
Reminiscing Guy: I just wanted you to know I had the hugest boner and I was just wondering if maybe you and I could get together and... work it out.
Amanda walks away disgustedI loathe Reminiscing Guy. And really, you know, its all fine to jam with your friends about hey that was really funny when we set the couch on fire and put in on our friend's lawn and then his parents called the cops, but listen up: honestly, if we were barely acquaintances in high school, can't you think of ANYTHING AT ALL to say that is more appropriate than "Remember that time you did that stupid thing, OH-EM-GEE?" A simple "What have you been up to?" or the understated, "What's new?" are realy quite sufficient over social drinks and vague acquaintances.
You get the point.
Right, so the rest of the night at the bar was...uneventful mostly. I think someone said to me, "Heeeeyyyyy, are we MySpace friends? I think I've seen your page before...." Most deserving cockpunch of the year goes to: the cultural relevance of MySpace. Despite that and seeing too many ex-boyfriends to realistically even give a flying eff anymore, the whole night was mostly harmless and ended with a sweet hot tub party showdown and Miller Genuine Draft at my parents' house until 5 am the next morning with a few of the good friends from little ol' Northern Illinois that made driving 15 hours from Colorado just to get back home totally worth it.
Also, lesson learned: Attending Christmas Eve church services still drunk from your party the night before? Not the best thought out plan.