This weekend was incredible. I want every day of summer to be just like this weekend.
My office window is open and I can smell the summer and I am having trouble focusing on work. I stick my head out the window watching all the traffic going by. I don't even mind the humidity.
This summer won't be wasted. Not like last summer. Or the year before. Or the summer before. Too much time lost waiting for dreams that never come, worrying about decisions beyond my control. I scratch my bug bites with glee this year. The heat and humidity so hot its impossible to sleep doesn't bother me at all this summer. I am driving with my windows rolled down, my music turned up, and sunshine in my hair this summer. No summer has felt as promising and hopeful as this summer. I am full of determination for this summer.
Unrelated to summer, except that "Man, I love iced coffee in the way that I would bathe in it and as I'm bathing in the iced coffee, be drinking the iced coffee I'm bathing in," sort of way:
Starbucks is dramatically changing the landscape of our culture? With coffee?
Hey, did I tell you about the time Adam & I traveled through time in 3D?

And by "travel through time" I mean "Went to the furniture store and saw the 3D movie."
And for my aspiring stuntfriends:
How to Jump From a Building Into a Dumpster
1. Jump straight down. If you leap away from the building at an angle, your trajectory will make you miss the dumpster.
2. Tuck your head and bring your legs around, executing a three-quarter somersault. This allows you to land with your back facing down.
3. Aim for the center of the dumpster.
4. Land flat on your back. When your body hits any surface from a significant height, the body folds into a V. This means landing on your stomach can result in a broken back.
What a fantastic photo of you and Adam. Love it.
(Miss you)
The glasses were nearly as fun as the movie itself. I can't speak for Adam, but I do know that I felt infinitely more awesome in those glasses.
Jane, miss you big time! Life is so bizz-busy right now- I did not sit down one single time all day at work! I feel out of the loop of my real life and far away friends but I'll be back to fully devote my attentions...and you know, stop being a bad friend.
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