Is it just me, or is the guy on the left trying to slip his finger into the guy in the middle's bum? Naw, its just me. And hello, wax pirate on the right! "Greetings from sunny, Salem MA! We met some Puritans here. They seem nice, but a little crazy about finding "the witches". And they sure talk about going to hell a lot. Fire and brimstone, you know. Well, gotta go. Wish you were here! Peace & Love, Adam"
I saw Harry and the Potters. They call each other Harry Potter and sing songs about Harry Potter (Voldemort Can't Stop the Rock). If you've been paying close attention, you'll know what I mean when I say they took the best parts of Panther, made a kid&family friendly rock show about wizards, and they've probably played tonsil hockey with Ginny Weasley because of it. Here they are playing their giant air guitars in unison:
Basically, they are the best Harry Potter band ever. And the competition is fierce.
Yes, in case you wondering, I did wear my Harry Potter t-shirt:


Mardi Gras!
Adam and I went to Mardi Gras! In a furniture store! Do you remember that Phil Collins video in the 80s with the giant puppets? The furniture store Mardi Gras had those giant puppets too! And they were singing When the Saints Go Marching In! Can you find all three celebrity pupets in this photo:
This enormously creepy jester flew across the sky! With his evil laser beam eyes!
Kitten parades!
What I'm trying to say is, I've been busy. And I will continue to be busy, but lovers, I will do my best to keep up with the Joneses around here.
Harry and the Potters were in K3 about a month ago. I didnt even know they were here until they were gone.
Frank! So I must say: Harry and the Potters are completely nerdy in a book way. Even on stage they talk as though they themselves are Harry Potter (In my fifth year at Hogwarts...This is song is about when I found out I was a wizard...)and "sticking it to the man", but its completely endearing. The music is...alright, nothing groundbreaking. But, it made me incredibly happy! to be standing with a vodka tonic in hand amongst ten year olds and we were all ROCKING OUT to Harry and the Potters. I wanted to make them all tshirts that said, "My first rock show." The Harrys said, "Let's stick it to the man by rocking!" And the crowd goes wild.
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