I'm having some adjustment issues. Namely with Harry PODder, my Musical Wizard (that's my iPod). (In old timey voice) See here...
So, Harry PODder is formatted for Windows and now I have a Mac. I can't reformat without erasing the contents of my iPod however. My PC (circa 2000) only has 30 gigs on it, my iPod has 60g (hey, in 2000, 30 gig was big). So I can't just dump everything from my iPod onto my PC, then reformat Harry PODder, then reload everything from my computer, then upload it onto my new Mac.

I feel as though the answer to this question shouldn't be so difficult and that its like one of those eye picture puzzles. If you squint long enough, you'll see the schooner. Let's face it: I'm really awful at those stupid magic eye posters.

Little Girl: [looking at a Magic Eye poster] Wow. It's a schooner.
Willam Black: Ha ha ha ha. You dumb bastard. It's not a schooner... it's a Sailboat.
Little Boy: A schooner IS a sailboat stupid head.
Willam Black: [becoming enraged] You know what. There is NO Easter Bunny. Over there, that's just a guy in a suit.
You remember my Dell DJ to iPod conversion which required the hellacious burning of hundreds of CDs? Sometimes life just sucks. I have no good ideas for you.
I'm great at Magic Eyes though.
Oh man. Some of those I don't even have on CD anymore. Some I never had to begin with. Sigh sigh. I guess since I'll be all alone all by myself on this long holiday weekend I can start rip-rip-ripping away on my 400+ CDs. Bleh. There must be a better way. Would uploading everything to an external harddrive work? Hmmmm...do I know anybody with an external harddrive?
Jane, can you tell me what's in that Magic Eye picture? Cause it makes me go crossed eyed, but I see nothing but blurry blue.
I'm good at them on paper. I don't see anything in the one you posted. Does it work when you're looking at a screen?
Honestly, I'd go buy a cheap external hard drive before I started burning CDs like a madwoman. My problem was file format - I had protected Windows Media Player files that had to be burned to disc and ripped back to remove the encryption so that iTunes would like them.
See? The answer was so simple. And you're a smart chickadee, Jane. I've been meaning to get an external hard drive for some time now, but with 120GB of space on my new laptop, I didn't really think that was necessary. Then again, what happens if like that episode of SaTC where Carrie's computer crashes and she loses everything. Oh wait, I have a Mac- that won't happen. : )
No, a hard drive is probably the best solution.
Jest a little FYI . . . Carrie's computer that crashed was an Apple. It switched back and forth several times during the first couple of seasons, but in the episodes leading up to the crash, there was definitely an Apple logo visible.
This is so sad. It's like that time I explained the Entire History of Ross and Rachel to somebody on a message board. I don't think I ever went back there, I was so ashamed of knowing everything about their lives instead of actually having one of my own.
You know what's sad? I knew her laptop was an Apple. I'd like to believe that her computer crashing was just for dramatic effect and for the purpose of the storyline, NOT because the writers have little faith in those mighty macs.
Furthermore, its 2 am and I am drunk commenting on my own blog. Ay-yay-yay.
And as an update, it seems I've found a solution to my problem sans external hard drive.
Well oooh! oooh! oooh! tell me what the solution is so that I can prepare for my own Day I Cross Over to the Dark Side and Buy a Mac.
Oh, and ohmygod the Hot Date showed up to my comments to discuss fonts. Go there now.
So without being too long winded: I was at a party last night, but I arrived early and my friend's roomie says to me, "We'll dump your music onto my computer, then you can reformat your iPod, then we'll dump everything back onto your iPod and then upload it to your new computer!" Everybody wins because he gets to steal my music, I get to have my music on my computer, and I can start putting more music on my iPod. It will take an afternoon of sitting around and waiting, but I figure a case of beer can make for some fun. It is essentially the same solution as an external hard drive, but without me needing to buy an external hard drive right this very second.
Heading over to your place now...fonts? Oh my. I think we should start a world ban on Comic Sans.
Jane, other good things about Macs:
1. Graphic design/Photoshop heaven
2. It comes with a program for you to make your own podcasts. Just think of the new level of internet fame you could achieve with your own podcast!
3. Built in camera (for drunken fun!)
4. Program to make your own comic books.
5. The seamlessness between Mac & Windows is exceptional. (Besides my iPod, I have had no issues switching any of my programs from PC to Mac. None. And actually, I anticipate that having my iPod handy will make the transition even easier- once my iPod is reformatted, I can use my iPod as a hard drive and throw everything on there- pictures, music, Word documents, etc.)
All the pansies who are afraid to switch to Macs: it is all for naught.
Mostly I'm just not switching yet because 555-WOOD told me I needed to and I haven't reached a level of forgiveness with him yet where I can admit that he's right about anything at all.
I agree re: Comic Sans.
It's a bird! Looks kinda like a small hawk or something, perching and raising its wings so as to be intimidating, except it isn't actually standing on anything. :)
Right on the mark, Todd! I only know its a bird because that's what the website that Google Image Search told me and because you told me too.
Todd, are you coming out to Earthdance anytime in the near future?
I am! I'm flying into Boston on July 9th and I'll be in Northampton the day and evening of the 10th, as well as the day and evening of the 27th. I might even have a few days off in the middle. We should jam! Or jive! Or something.
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