Inspired by several different sources, I've decided to put my iPod on shuffle and write about the first 10-15 songs that come up. The two rules to this game are: #1, No skipping, even if its embarassing or "what the hell is this?" (but really- who doesn't know every single song on their iPod? uhhhhhhh...I don't.) And rule #2: I don't have to follow rule #1 if I don't want to. So, without further ado:
#1 Sig Transit Gloria, Wide Open WindowOh yes! This is why my iPod and I love each other. This band made me love Keyboard-Rock before it was cool (the second time around: post-Duran Duran, pre-Killers). When I think of the Fireside Bowl, Sig Transit Gloria immediately comes to mind (they both are also probably responsible for any hearing loss I have suffered over the years). This song still makes me full of joy and wanting to sing at the top of my lungs- and I don't care who hears me. You hear me? I don't care!
#2 Dashboard Confessional, The Good FightWhen Chris Carabba decided to start being happy again, his music suffered greatly. But
The Swiss Army Romance and
The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most were and still are, in my opinion, a great display of pure, raw emotion. This begs the question of does an artist's latter day sins negate earlier brilliance? I don't know, I really don't. But I can tell you this: when someone has broken my heart, there is no better therapy than turning The Swiss Army Romance or The Drowning EP and SCREAMING the words. Feels sooooo good.
I distinctly remember sitting in Frank/Colin/The Bern's apartment in college and saying, "I need to smoke," and Frank responded with, "Not in here you're not." I went out on the back porch and in the distance I could hear a chorus of drunk college kids,
"Your (Bern's) hair is EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYWHERE, screaming infidelities...." Totally Epic, my friends. (And for Frank, "I don't think that I'm getting any better, Eddie Veder.")
#3 Incubus, GlassAhhhhhhh....Incubus. Haven't heard from them in awhile. S.C.I.E.N.C.E. definitively reminds me of two things: 1) Being in college and 2) Being high (synonymous, no?). If I want to feel like I'm high, all I need to do is listen to S.C.I.E.N.C.E. This was the album I listened to during the hottest and most humid summer I've ever experienced- when I still thought it was socially appropriate to smoke and then go to Philosophy class for three hours.
#4 Morrissey, Irish Blood, English HeartMorrissey, you sly dog, you. I should start by saying, I like the Smiths. I haven't heard Morrissey's latest CD, but I think J.Abdou gave me
You Are the Quarry a few summers ago. Its very Morrissey. I do like this song though.
#5 Cibo Matto, About a GirlI go back and forth on Cibo Matto a lot. But I adore this Nirvana cover. In my opinion, a good cover song takes the original song and reinterprets it while staying true to the original meaning of the song. They took this song that I so very closely identify with my angry, angry junior high years and have reinterpreted it as this jazzy, lounge song. I would play this at a dinner party.
#6 Walter Wanderly, One Note SambaOooooooh, another loungey jazz song. This is from the Out of Sight Soundtrack which was introduced to me by Mark M. Love it. The year that movie came out, MTV did a series of commercials for the Movie Awards with Jason Schwartzmann (as his character, Max in Rushmore) re-enacting movies. His version of Out of Sight was awesome. "You wanna tussle?" "There. We tussled."
#7 Mates of State, Think LongHow adorable are Mates of State? I'm in love with their cuteness. This is one of my favorite songs from their new album,
Bring It Back. Mates of State, you make me happy, I love you. The end.
#8 Madonna, Dress You UpThe gay man trapped in my body forces me to love Madonna. And I do. This song reminds me of my best friend in high school, Liz. Those series of Gap ads that had all the kids in tech vests singing songs was great. And she loved that commercial with them singing Madonna's Dress You Up. I loved that commercial too. And this song. And I still love those things: the commercial, the song. I even kind of love Madonna's new ABBA disco thing she's doing- it makes me want to rollerskate. Old school Madonna: could there be any better music for dance parties in my undies? I think not.
#9 Amadou & Mariam, La PaixMan, I love this crazy African poppy music. Amadou & Mariam are hardly what I would call pop music, but I find them incredibly infectious. Its a dude and a lady and they are blind as bats. And they make "world" music that reaches so far beyond the limits of that genre. Not quite friendly enough for radio airplay, not quite indie enough for college stations, but I'm convinced there must be an audience for them. This is music I cook to, music I wash dishes to, music for chillaxin with my friends.
#10 The Postal Service, We Will Become SilhouettesBen Gibbard, Jenny Lewis, and that Dntel guy need to make another Postal Service album- RIGHT.NOW. So basically, anything Ben Gibbard creates I am completely smitten by- even All Time Quarterback. Death Cab for Cutie, Postal Service, All Time Quarterback, even just Ben solo, makes me so happy- don't ask me how because most of its pretty downbeat music, but it does.
I distinctly recall being quite sad one day, and my friend L. turned Postal Service on as loud as possible from his car stereo and we had a dance party in the Peter Pan parking lot in Northampton. And everything felt so much better than it had before. Because Postal Service does that to me.