Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Darlin, don't you go and cut your hair. (Warning: lots of photos of myself contained herein.)

"Gimme head with hair
Long beautiful hair
Shining, gleaming,
Streaming, flaxen, waxen"

So everybody, to the left is me just mere weeks ago in New York City* visiting Neener-Beener. Finnish dancing happened, then some Neo-futuristas happened, thrift store shopping on 9th Avenue happened, and also some alcoholic beverages were consumed therein as well.

*Note my shoes, previously mentioned two posts below and the pain they caused.

My hair was longer than its been in a long while.

But this weekend, my sister (aka the best cosmonaut-ologist ever!) cut it off. And my swoop. You guys, I don't have a swoop for the first time in five years and I am not even sure what to do with myself. My indie rock powers have drained from my body. Look, I have short hair! And bangs! And I am standing in my bathroom!

My new haircut does remind me suspiciously of someone I admire though...
Here's a clue: I never dated Carson Daly, and I am not an African-American bass player who later became a stripper with AIDS in Rent.

"This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius

The age of Aquarius

Aquarius! Aquarius!"

Have I ever told you guys how much I hate that musical? I do.


Duders, I had the best weekend ever. Because I am lazy, in anecdotal bullet points, I present to you, my Easter weekend.

*First of all, I'd like to recommend that you fly Midwest Airlines. Because the seats are big and comfy. Because they bake delicious chocolate chip cookies ON BOARD. Because they are affordable.

*My cousin and I spent an afternoon walking around that part of Minneapolis she always tells me about and I have to say: its pretty great. If it weren't so damn cold in the winter, I'd probably live in Minneapolis. Good vintage stores, great music stores, yummy food, nice vibe. Big city feel, but not overwhelming.

*My dad, uncle, and I watched the Minnesota Twins whomp on the Yankees! It was glorious fun. I liked the part in the 2nd inning where the pitcher's cup broke. Johnny Damon looks incorrect without his beard, for more on my fun at the baseball game and Johnny Damon's Jesus beard, I refer you to my Easter/Baseball play. Also, here is a picture of me and my dad enjoying baseball!:

We have the same nose, no? And the same eyes. Basically, we're the same baseball lovin fool. (Sigh) If only I could grow a mustache.

*Easter egg dying! This year some of my eggs featured these catchy phrases: #1 Mike Ditka Fan, I heart Bo Bice, Jesus rocks!

*The Park at the Mall of Ohmerica. My tiny cousin wanted to go, and because I am reckless with abandon, I agreed to take her. The rides are pretty tame, but its giant fun indoors! Paul Bunyan's Log Flume ride is my favorite, but we missed out on that one this time around. Pepsi Ripsaw Roller Coaster is Ok-go! with me.

*Three of my aunts, my sister & her boyfriend, my cousin and myself wooped it up B-I-N-G-O style one night. My aunts have absolutely no class! Oh crap you guys I can't lie, it was so trashy and simultaneously awesome with all the old ladies with their lucky troll dolls, fifty Bingo dobbers, and the non-stop chain smoking. I'm not even going to wait to get old to start being one of those ladies. I'm going to start hitting up Bingo at the Catholic school down the street from my house, like I've been saying I want to do since September. This is what the old ladies at Bingo look like:

*The Easter Bunny was good to me this year. Cadbury eggs and kisses (the xoxo kind, not the chocolate kind.). I am lucky.

Jenny Van Gogh

Hey, did you guys know that I'm an artist too? Tonight, I completed two in a series, I'm working on that features under the sea creatures- so far, I've only painted octopuses (octopii?) Either way, iPod octopus on the left looks much more awesome in real life. And yes, I am available for commissioned work, so long as you like paintings of octopii, robots, or dinosaurs because that is all I am willing to paint right now. But mostly octopii.


Anonymous said...

Love the hair! Makes me want to Spin around! Jump back! Take another look at yourself!

Nothing involving the Yankees getting whomped on is much fun.

jenniferocious! said...

Jane, the Yankees might have won if Steinbrenner let Johnny Damon keep his beard. As well know, that's where Johnny Damon gets his baseball power from- his mighty Jesus beard.

Anonymous said...

I will pay you for a robot octopus.

jenniferocious! said...

Brad, I will make you the best darn robot octopus ever. Do you want small, medium, or large? My price is: $5 or one vodka tonic with a lime.

adam said...

Jen. Am I allowed to put the Piractopus in my bathroom? Octopii live in water and there is water there.

jenniferocious! said...

Adam, you can put the piractopus wherever you so desire. Just not the garbage.