Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Outré Lounge MixCD Challenge.

This is the post where you can leave your story, phrase, hopes, dreams, and fears that you'd like to see manifested as a mixCD made by me. Post anonymously if you want. The winner will get a copy of the mix and a few other fun treats.

Submissions being accepted until Wednesday, April 5th.

I don't want to influence your thinking about this mixCD challenge, but does this children's toy native american headdress make my butt look fat?


adam said...

Songs for each of the 12 personalities of each of my toes.

Anonymous said...

Glade Air Freshener; Refreshing Spa Scent...and you.

Anonymous said...

Music to play Pong by

adam said...

bizarro jen, 1987.

adam said...

the life and times of a drunken hobo.