Tuesday, November 21, 2006


For my friendlies who like to drink up on those holidays, I give you:
A recipe for disaster....wait, wrong holiday....

A Recipe for Happy Holidays

What you'll need:
lemons or limes (big ones)
nutmeg (optional)
cinnamon sticks
red or white wine of your choice (I recommend pinot noir)

To make:
Add 1 cup water and 1 cup sugar to pot.
Cut up 2-3 unpeeled oranges into large sections and throw into sugarwater. For extra fun, peel the oranges and put the rinds in the sugar water.
Add 1/2 cup lemon or lime juice to sugarwater.
Add cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon sticks to sugar water.
Bring to a boil.
Let boil for 5 minutes. (liquid will reduce slightly)

In another pot:
Put 1-2 bottles of wine into pot. Keep heat on very low.
Strain the sugar-water fruit spice mixture into the wine.
Add 2-4 cinnamon sticks into the wine.

Drink up.

Note: If you make more than one batch, you can reuse the fruit and spices from the sugar water a few times, although you made want to add a little more fresh ingredients.

Oh! Bonus. After you strain the sugar-water mixture into the wine, you can eat the chunks of the orange peel. They taste like candy after boiling in that sugar water. So delicious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh! I likey. Thanks for the recipe, Martha.