Monday, November 20, 2006

I will probably never say this again.

I'm feeling frustrated with my Mac.

My new Blackberry's syncronizing software only works with Windows. Okay, I get that the majority of users who own Blackberries are very important business minded types who probably love their Dilbert screensaver on their Windows desktop/laptop. But I am not one of those people. So I can't really connect my Blackberry to my laptop- only my desktop at work. How agitating.

And Blackberry, I understand you were developed for the government to keep secrets and thus cannot have Blue Tooth connectivity with laptops, but that just sucks. Seriously, super lame guys. My laptop doesn't have any government secrets on it. But it does have things that are important to me and nobody else.

I've been wanting to dig into using Macromedia's Robohelp since I think it could be incredibly useful to learn with this new project I'm heading up at work. Again, only a version for Windows is currently available.

Technology, you are supposed to help me, love me, caress me, sing to me in my sleep. But this is some serious bullplop. What's with this conspiracy against Mac users? We're nice people who only want to embrace you.


Anonymous said...

To Whom It May Concern:


Bill Gates

Anonymous said...

Try to find a conduit patch to download. They made one for my Treo-they should have BBs. Is the banana a metaphor for Adam's singing cock? I hope so!

jenniferocious! said...

Jane, this is my first run in with feeling like Bill Gates is out to get me.

Brad, I will try that, thanks. And no, sadly, Adam's cock doesn't sing....yet. That may be the only thing more terrifying than being accosted by a man dressed in a banana suit making dirty jokes and singing to me in front of my coworkers.

Anonymous said...


We are like, thisclose to buying a Mac. Don't tell me this.

And good luck.

jenniferocious! said...

Culotte, don't fret. Per Brad's suggestion, they do make a patch for Mac users with Blackberries (free from the Blackberry website). So, I will go back to loving my MacBook Pro all day, every day. Crisis averted. I think the issue lies more in the Blackberry than the Mac.