Monday and Tuesday, yoga kicked my butt. And it felt so very good.
Wednesday, I went to see the Brazilian Girls at the Fox Theatre in Boulder. The show was so utterly bizarre and amazing. I took a thousand pictures, but I'm feeling particularly lazy. Here, maybe the mental picture is better: The beautiful svelte German lead singer wore a nude body suit with silver sequins all over it and foofy white tulle covered her face and naughty bits. She asked the entire audience to come on stage and dance naked with her. Roughly fifty college kids did so (I did not). Singer lady grabbed their boobs, passed them fatty Js between singing verses and then they played 'Pussy' and my world was completely whole at that moment. See? I told you no pictures could do that justice. Okay, I lied, here they are:

This picture doesn't really do her crazy little ensemble justice. But I wasn't venturing into the naked pit.

Naked party. Briefly, The Brazilian Girls =s great party music and a great party.
Jen's Favorite Small Venues (Less than 1,000 max. capacity):
-The Fireside Bowl, Chicago
-The Century Lounge, Providence
-The Fox Theatre, Boulder
-Creepy Crawl, St. Louis
Okay, and then Thursday night. Randomly, I went to see Bonnie Raitt in concert? I couldn't tell you the name of any of her songs, but a few sounded familiar. I mean, we didn't pay for the tickets and the seats were really great, so I figured why not go check out some bluesy music at the newest venue in town....hello, for free! Pictures were NOT ALLOWED, so...

Then Friday night, we went back for more pain... HOCKEY style. First home game of the season! Apparently, we're the worst team in the league, but hey whatever, expansion team. And we did win in a sudden death shootout.
In honor of hockey, I ask you this question: which game is superior?
Blades of Steel for NES

vs. NHL '92-93 for Sega Genesis?

Personally, I'd say Blades of Steel. But that's only because the last time I tried playing Mortal Kombat 3 on a high definition tv, my head felt like it was about to asplode. No seriously, I love you Sonic the Hedgehog, but don't eff with my mind.
Other news of interest.
I let a man put a hole in my face this weekend. In my left nostril, precisely. The lasting damage:

I can't even lie, IT HURT SO BAD. Worse than my septum. Not worse than my inner conch/industrial. My favorite part was when the nice man said, "Ohhhhhhhh! Your nose just made the loudest cracking noise I've ever heard!" And indeed, it did sound like a baseball bat, friends. My nose bled a lot and tears came down my face, but I was a brave little toaster and kept my cool. My boss remarked this morning, "You have a diamond booger on your nose!" Yes, something like that, a diamond booger. For those of you keeping score at home, that's two extra holes in my nose now. My nose is too metal for my face. Oh, snap!
Hello? Is it me you're looking for? (Lionel Richie, I <3 you.)
I finally bought a new high falootin cell phone. So start calling me. Or I'll have to start sending you obnoxious text messages. And hey, if you need a reason- call me on Thursday, I'm a quarter century old (and sassier).
Jen's Tour de Farce 2006
Because a few people have asked me, here is my travel schedule for the next couple of weeks/months.
November 22 - 27, Rockford, ILL
November 27 - 30, Peoria, ILL
November 30, Rockford, ILL
December 1 - 3, New York (The City!)
December 22 - 26, Rockford, ILL
January 18ish - 23ish, New York (The City!)
January 29ish - February 2ish, Houston, TEJAS
So that's what I know for now. I will keep you posted of any new developments, dearies. If you live near any of those places and I have not yet made tenative plans with you, you jerkface, call me and let's talk about how great beer is and then let's make plans to drink some.
Its my birthday on Thursday, don't ruin our friendship by not writing Happy Birthday across your chest and sending me a picture of it. Thank you, that is all. I promise, I won't post your picture on the Internets.
Houston! Houston! I spent three suckass days in Houston. Would you like directions to a mediocre mall and a most excellent Container Store?
Peoria has that giant tire lady and Alexander's, home of the 3 pound steak. Well, I'm sure Texas has 3 pound steaks also.
Your life is glam-or-us.
I think its Houston. Now that I'm thinking about it- I'm wondering if its Dallas. No, Houston. I may need those mall directions later on. I'm not sure how much time I'll have for shopping malls and such.
And Peoria, oh boy. Peoria. So glam.
Well, at least its not South Bend, Indiana.
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