Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The fairest of the seasons.

Hi all. Your Gal Friday here, sitting in her oppresively hot office. I just stood up to walk over to the fax machine and sat down again to find my chair was wet. "Gross! Someone peed in my chair...wait, no. That's my sweaty assy swass. Sick."

This is my sweaty disatisfaction:

And more sweatiness:

WHY IS MY WORK SO SWEATY? Is this the wrath of Tom Cruise and his Scientologists sending me misery and sweatiness? Do notice my shiny new red office though, which is very purdy.

And hey, look! Can you find me in this picture? (Clue: I'm the one with the Beatles haircut.)

This weekend, I am going to a state that I have never been to before. Can you guess which one? The person who answers correctly gets a copy of the latest mix cd I made. Oh hell, I'll give you a copy of the mix cd I made anyways. Also, can I propose that we continue to call them Mixtapes even though they're on CDs now because really MIXTAPE flows from the tongue nicely whereas MIX CD just sounds like my tongue tripped over a banana peel.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

West Dakota

jenniferocious! said...

Anonymous, I have been to Maine before.

And Jane, I think we all know that I was born in West Dakota. Duh!

Anonymous said...

Jen, I'm currently on the Luke Bender hunt! We will shortly know if he's still in... well, I can't ruin it, it wouldn't be fair because I already know. :)