Riddle me this, Batman: why do the kids stay the same age at shows, but I keep getting older? And feel like I am a mean old coot sitting at the bar brooding over my vodka tonic? And why did all the other bands last night sound like crappy bands I didn't really like when I was 19?
Isn't the Junior Varsity the same as being on "The B Squad"?
Actual interaction which occured between me and the keyboard player for The Headling Band:
(I'm glancing at the merch table.)
KP: Hey! This is the shit right here!
Me: Oh, yeah? You guys are from Bloomington Normal right?
KP: Yeah! How'd you know?
Me: I'm from Rockford, so I have friends who have seen you before. Did you guys go to ISU?
KP: Yeah, 3 of us did and 2 of us didn't. 3 of us lived on campus, but 2 of us didn't. 2 of us went for 2 years and the other one went for 3 years. Then we dropped out because we signed to Victory.
Me: Ohhhhhh...so do you guys still live in Bloomington Normal then?
KP: Well, we live with our parents now, you know.
Me: Huh. I gotta go.
First of all, the guitarist's girlfriend was kidnapped and brutally murdered last fall. I feel bad for the guys, cause that's some seriously effed up trauma to go through. So I avoided that subject cause its impolite to talk about someone's dead girlfriend. "Hey, so your dead girlfriend, eh?" Epitome of awkward silence, right there. Second of all, the sticker on their CD says, "For fans of Death Cab for Cutie and Coldplay" and I'm trying not to laugh at the notion that I am going to like a musical mutation of Ben Gibbard and that guy that's married to Gwenyth Paltrow. It should also be noted that this band does not sound at all like Death Cab for Cutie OR Coldplay. Basically what I'm getting at is that this kid in The Headlining Band almost ruined my thing for keyboard players- until the previously mentioned girl keyboard player and lead singer from Opening Band saved the day. Saves By The Day? I love that band!
The Emo Swoop
My sister cut my hair back at Christmas when I was home and she asked me how I parted my hair. I swished my hand around and said, "You know, over here-ish...with an emo swoop!" My sister the hair cutting fashionista, looked at me like I was crazy, which is very likely to be true. However, I've been sporting the swoop for almost five years now and its one of the few "styles" I've seen sported on many people- both guys and gals. I'm going to come right out and just say that generally, I cannot emotionally support a guy with The Swoop. The Swoop on a guy gives me the impression that they are trying to look more like: A) a little boy (Harry Potter?) and B) girly. Why would I want to hang out with a guy who is actively attempting to appear as a fictional wizard boy and a girly boy? Also, nothing makes me giggle and roll my eyes more than some kid in a brown track suit jacket effeminately brushing and matting down The Swoop out of his eyes. CUT YOUR HAIR, YOU DAMN HIPPY. That's what I say to you, boys your Swoop.
Tim Gunn, I hardly knew ye.
Also, I'd like to send a big cockpunch to Yahoo for ruining the ending of Project Runway for me. I have not seen the finale yet, but on the main page in the headlines is _____ named winner of Project Runway. I'm buying stock in Google, who would never ruin Project Runway for me like those yokels at Yahoo did. Fuckers.
Yes, Jeffrey, I am going to make out with her and then steal her haircut for myself.
That picture instantly made me think of a girl I went to high school with and spent our entire sophomore year talking about suicide with - Lisa K something? Perhaps you know her? Memory fuzzy about sophomore year.
Your Yahoo experience is the exact reason I didn't give my opinion on the final episode yet. Waiting a significant period of time to discuss it.
The Nepotism Industries crowd is going to The Filling Station again tonight. Fly in. I'll make it worthwhile. ~eyebrow wiggle~
Jane-baby! (I've been shmoozing with agents all day- I can't help it when I start talking like that.)
I remember that Lisa girl and always thinking she was a bit off- much later I found out she had some serious family issues and man, don't I feel like a creep now. In that picture, my new hottness Rachel does look like that one girl, but in real life, Rachel is ah-dorable times fifty.
I still haven't caught the finale yet cause I've been a girl on the move for the past 72 hours. Everyone says the finale is boring, but nothing will make me not want to makeout with Daniel Vosivic and have his little queer babies. Overall, I feel like Season 2 was more outspoken (everyone was very very gay), but the quality of work overall was not as great as Season 1. We should discuss after I've actually seen the finale.
Wish I could join in on the Cabana Boy-permanent markering-facelicking action.
Oh dear god! I spent all day today looking forward to a beer. I forgot all about the Cabana Boys!!! Good thing The Cowboy lives within crawling distance of that place.
~dropping Sharpie into my purse~
I shall send you photos.
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