"I wrote the manual on that."
AH. This could be the best part of the whole experience.
AND NOW, I give you the timeline for my life in the next 2 - 3 months (abridged):
April 2 - 4th. Seattle, Washington.
April 14th. Move to Brooklyn, New York.
April 21 - 29th(ish). In the Northern Illinois region.
May 9th - 13th. Traipsing about Paris (France, not Texas).
TBA: Tokyo, Japan (probably the fall) and Memphis, TN.
I feel confident in announcing my whereabouts after weeks of speculation and trying to keep my big mouth shut until it was finalized. And now it is. And now you know where to find me and when. Yes, I'm moving to New York (finally).
I thought Esperanto was the universal language.
No matter what anyone tells you, if you have Photoshop installed on your Intel based Mac, DO NOT DELETE LANGUAGE FILES. Even if its ridiculous that Photoshop needs Klingon and Esperanto installed to run properly (and it is ridiculous). Furthermore, its not going to save you much space. And when you have to go to Mac's Genius Bar and eat your humble pie and tell them that you were stupid and want to repent for your stupid mistake, they won't laugh at you because that's poor customer service. Anyways, don't do that because it almost gave me a panic attack.
HOORAY FOR BASKETBALL! Just so you know, I think Wisconsin could win the Final Four. Any dissenting opinions can suck it because BUCKY BADGER WILL EAT YOUR FACE FOR BREAKFAST AND THEN DO COCK PUSHUPS ALL OVER YOUR EATEN OFF FACE.

Its hip to be square.
For your viewing pleasure, I present: Christian Bale (hotty), Jared Leto (post-hot Jordan Catalano, pre-fat goth), and my favorite scene from American Psycho:
Hearts and flowers,
I heard Huey Lewis has an enormous peener.
I enjoy that movie and book. I enjoyed it more on your weblog because I viewed it on a suspect wireless connection in my hotel here in sunny Phoenix. The sound was slightly ahead towards the end and I heard the chopping before he chopped. It was poetry...H And to piggyback-Huey must have a ginormous pee-pee...Why else would be have that haircut...feathering
My favorite part is when Jared Leto says, "Is that a raincoat?" And Christian Bale says, "Yes it is! In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself." HEARTY LAUGHTER.
You guys are the best sources for the biggest peens in the entertainment industry. Thanks!
better than the isbn (and sorry i never got back to you on that), you are going to get a Call Number!! WOO!! and subject headings! i am so impressed!
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