Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Should you need a hearty laugh....its Dr. Tran! (and the Skittles Bunny)

Jeffrey, bringing grody back!

And also because this never stop being funny to me:

Singing Skittles bunny! Yoyoyoyoooooyoyoyo!

I had planned a year end retrospective + movie review post, but this is far more entertaining.


Anonymous said...

I was truely TRANsported. That was the best hting ever. You win for finding it.

jenniferocious! said...

No, Brad, YOU win! For knowing good humour! Also, Operation: Baby. Give us the story. Inquiring minds (me) want to know.

Anonymous said...

Soon...Very soon. Maybe by the wekend.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Tran site: