Monday, December 18, 2006

cold december.

one of my favorite people, the true blue creative artist that works in my office, said to me, "jen, how did you get so smart? how did you become so responsible by 25? aren't you supposed to be wild and crazy? you know so much about the world."

sure, i've been around- i've explored the universe searching for passion and creativity. i've been broken, shoved, my face knocked in the ground. and whether discovering a new country where i don't speak the language or simply trying to understand my world, i've always found the inspiration to write. the words to express the feelings that my body often could not contain. it was that very reason that i almost failed out of college my freshmen year.

i've never been complacent with complacency and i've always had creativity streaming from head to hand to paper. but the seesaw is no longer level and the logical, rational person has the creative me hanging in the air begging to come down and balance out.

i'm willing to acknowledge that alogorthmically speaking, i'm at a high point in my ability to be rational and logical and thoughtful. and i'm struggling to grow into this skin. struggling to balance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yu are like Columbus with a keyboard. A statue will be erected in your honor and birds will poop in it. Merry Christmas!