Saturday, February 17, 2007

Britney needs a hug, y'all.

Here's the thing about Britney Spears: so showing your va-jay-jay to the world and partying with Paris Hilton aren't really mommy behavior, but this whole shaving her head business?

Oh yeah, Britney shaved her head, in case you hadn't heard.

I don't know what motivated her actions, but seriously, we've all done crazy things completely sober too.

At the tender age of 20, a boy I thought was THE WORLD not only broke up with me, he cut off all ties one day. DIdn't say why, didn't call back ever again. He cut me out of his life, he cut all his friends out of his life. I was totally devastated by the whole debacle. Looking back now, the whole situation was kind of messed up, but is utterly irrelevant now. In response to this person cutting me out of his life, I didn't shave my head, but I acted out and did things I (or anyone else) wouldn't normally do. One night, I was seeing a few local bands play (a show he and I were planning to attend together) and realized that: A) I don't want to be at this show, B) I need to get out of this town right now, and C) I need to do something unexpected.

Do you know what I did? I hopped in my car alone, drove to Madison, WI and got my septum pierced. You know, like the little bull ring? I put a piece of metal in my face there. That little ring still lives there, but most people I meet these days never have any clue of its presence. Most of the time, I forget its there even. Putting a hole in your nose or shaving your head aren't permanent changes. Holes will close, hair grows back. Obviously, unrelenting people with giant cameras trying to make big money by following my every move aren't a daily occurence in my life either.

So when Ms. Britney Spears decides to shave her head, I'm gonna cut her a little slack because sometimes you need to do something drastic like shave your head. Or do whatever makes sense in that moment. If she's on drugs, I guess that's a whole other ordeal, but I should think shaving one's head is far less destructive than harming yourself or your children.

Honestly, I've had some pretty awful hair days where I've thought, "I would like to shave my head." Or when its so hot that I don't want anything at all touching me ever, I've honestly thought, "I want to shave my head right now." I'm thinking this summer maybe I will.

Cooking with Jen!
Hey did you get me a subscription to Eating Healthy magazine? If you did, thanks! Here's my new favorite
non-salad salad recipe (use your tastebuds to determine how much to add):

brocolli florets
red pepper cut into bite size pieces
yellow pepper cut into bite size pieces
just a little bit of chopped onion
radishes chopped into pieces
mandarin oranges
feta cheese crumbles

Mix everything together. Toss until coated in Orange-Oregano Dressing.

Orange-Oregano Dressing:
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tsp. freshly grated orange zest
3/4 tsp. of dried oregano
1/2 tsp. of dijon mustard
1 tbs. of extra virgin olive oil
(Shake everything together)



Anonymous said...

I think you'd look great bald.

That recipe sounds yummy.

jenniferocious! said...

Jane, you know...I think I'll wait until its HOT AS BALLS outside this summer and then shave my head. I have big hair plans for the '07.

The best part about that recipe is that a generous 1 cup serving is only 100ish calories, lots of protein, and RAINBOW BRITE COLORFUL. Colorful food makes lunchtime the best.

Anonymous said...

I pissed at Britney because her little stunt took time away from Anna Nicole Smith coverage.

jenniferocious! said...