I am going to Japan! My friend, Mark, lives there and I wil be visiting him next June. I can't really even tell you how excited this makes me. Mark and I have been friends since high school and we always have a great time together, no matter where we are, so needless to say, I am super stoked to spend time with him in Japan.
Also: this is a true anti-drug PSA. Click on this sentence to listen. Because smoking weed will make you listen to indie rock music......what?
This weekend I'm flying to New York. Happiness! I can't wait to see my NY friends and lovahs again.
My birthday is in a few weeks. Do you want to give me the greatest birthday present ever? Draw me a picture of an octopus. Or a ukelele or if you're really in a pinch I'll accept your brother's Nintendo DS Lite. I will be a quarter century young, but I'm hoping this marks the end of my quarter-life crises that have defined the past five years of my life.
Last weekend, I dressed up as a candy striper for a costume party. Today, I dressed like a cowgirl for work. Tomorrow, I am going to be the aforementioned Freudian slip at work. Yay, dressing up is fun.

I've written all the hooray for everything! stuff, so this is where I leave you, my lovelies...
You are the cat's pajamas.
Yay for promotions!
Nurse...I have an ouchy...down there.
Culotte, no YOU are the cat's pajamas@
Jane, boy, I'll say. I'm doing things I like to do at work, I feel lucky.
Brad, I'm a candy striper. Or is it candy stripper? Oh, this could get awkward.
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