Monday, October 30, 2006

Good things are coming...

Today I got a promotion. I knew it was in the works and its not a huge surprise, but seriously you guys! I have my own office now with a view of snow capped mountains and such. One of the first things I saw from my new office view was a man from animal control lugging a dead deer into the back of his truck. I know I'm from the midwest where deer prance about freely, but it was really vomit inducing. My new job involves less talking on the phone and more writing words down and putting them together for a manual- score!

I am going to Japan! My friend, Mark, lives there and I wil be visiting him next June. I can't really even tell you how excited this makes me. Mark and I have been friends since high school and we always have a great time together, no matter where we are, so needless to say, I am super stoked to spend time with him in Japan.

Also: this is a true anti-drug PSA. Click on this sentence to listen. Because smoking weed will make you listen to indie rock music......what?

This weekend I'm flying to New York. Happiness! I can't wait to see my NY friends and lovahs again.

My birthday is in a few weeks. Do you want to give me the greatest birthday present ever? Draw me a picture of an octopus. Or a ukelele or if you're really in a pinch I'll accept your brother's Nintendo DS Lite. I will be a quarter century young, but I'm hoping this marks the end of my quarter-life crises that have defined the past five years of my life.

Last weekend, I dressed up as a candy striper for a costume party. Today, I dressed like a cowgirl for work. Tomorrow, I am going to be the aforementioned Freudian slip at work. Yay, dressing up is fun.

Candy striper.

I've written all the hooray for everything! stuff, so this is where I leave you, my lovelies...

Monday, October 23, 2006

Seven items in random order.

1. I have two free season tickets to the newly formed hockey team, The Rocky Mountain Rage, so if you, you, you, or anyone else who likes hockey, come to Colorado in the next 6 months, not only will I give you a comfy bed to sleep in, we'll also hit up some hockey games. Seriously. There is no better sport than one with blood and violence....I mean, toe pick.

2. I have been attending a dance class where the teacher is all about "free flowing movement" and "move with your spirit" and between you and me Internet, I don't care about that new age feel good mumbo jumbo, I just want to dance and get funky. And its a whole barrel of fun.

3. I saw The Prestige and it ruled. On a scale of WWF wrestlers from the 1980s, I would rate it an Ultimate Warrior. Go see it and decide for yourself. More embarassingly, in junior high, I had the hugest crush on Christian Bale when he played Laurie in Little Women with Wynona Rider and Claire Danes. HUGE CRUSH. I watched that embarassing number of times (one thousand million hundred, to be exact). And even in all these creepy roles he's played...American Psycho, The Machinist...I still would include him on my Celebrity Exemption List.

4. I went to a costume party last weekend...I made a sign that said MOMMY, smoked a big cigar, and wore a black silk number and I was a FREUDIAN SLIP. One guy was like, "Oh! You're Monica Lewinski!" And I was like, " That wouldn't have been funny 8 years ago and its really not funny now." FREUDIAN SLIP. Oh man, so nerdy. Pictures forthcoming.

5. Did you ever know that you're my hero? You're everything I would like to be... Shout out to my pal JayCray for being fearless and rocking his auditions this weekend.

6. My birthday is in less than one month. I will accept all gifts that have octopusses (octopii?), music, or both incorporated into them.

7. Hey, aren't wax museums creepy? Just a little bit?

Monday, October 09, 2006

I'll be the sky, if you'll be the star.

I revel in the the autumn. Adding layers on top of layers and wearing tights under skirts and looking from the tops of hills and seeing an ocean of redorangeyellow world on fire in the leaves.

And so my heart is sore that such seasons do not exist here. Saturday was sunny and a sweaty 80 degrees and today it is 40 and rainy. My coworkers are giddy at the prospect of snow. I find myself baffled by this, where is the autumn?

Then again, I should revel in this lack of autumnal loneliness, which seems to be a seasonal effect on me. I always find solace and solitude in the fall. A somber tone with a soundtrack on my iPod to match.

And the melancholy is still there, but it doesn't have a home in the autumn this year. Just misplaced quietness searching for a place to be, to exist.

There are days I feel so incredibly lucky and there are those days when I wish that I had stayed the course and moved to New York.

I can't wait to begin traveling; the world flies by when you're experiencing every little bit.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm always in the wrong time zone.

Monday, October 02, 2006

The one where Jen makes fun of Tom Cruise and Scientology (again).

Last week has finally caught up with me. Guidelines for future social outings: Living in a college town does not mean you should drink like you're 19 again. To sum up a majority of the past week: Put down the drink, Jen. On the plus side, I did find a bar with a giant rhino head hanging on the wall, which is important to one's....uhhhh...drinking environment?

Most importantly of all: I spent the weekend in New York having a perfect time. Exhibit A:

The subway, it smells like pee.

So amongst all of the subway riding and other New Yorkiness that occurred, Adam and I had to endure the most taxing experience New York has to offer: transferring trains at the Times Square station. If you know me, you know that I will do anything to avoid Times Square. If you don't know me, now you know that about me. Good.

As we were passing through the station we saw folks holding signs advertising Free Stress Tests! Behind them sat a table. Do you see the irony? Times Square is the most stressful place on the entire planet (not hyperbole). For me, hell is similar to being forced to live out every day in Times Square. I digress...the irony is that they are holding signs for Free Stress Tests in the Most Stressful Place Of All Time.
The lady behind Adam is holding a Free Stress Test sign.

Oh right! The point of all of this besides the biting irony is that these people are Scientologists! This is how they lure you into their cult! Free stress tests and "oh we're here to help, have this Dianetics book..." A former roommate's mum was recruited to be a Scientologist and she said it was the most bizarre experience. They want your money and your soul to take on the spaceship...What the what?

*Public Service Announcement*
I'd like to take this moment to tell you all how fabulous it is to fly on JetBlue airlines. Wicked cheap! The tastiest snacks. Dunkin Donuts coffee. ANDandand! Your own personal tv where you can watch all the marathon of Project Runway on Bravo incluing all the past three episodes you've missed because you don't have cable.

*End PSA*

And now its Monday night and I've been awake for a gajillion hours now and I'm scrunched up with little Napkin lulupants and we're spooning and enjoying our night in after our week of binge drinking.

I really had so much more to talk about...the Statue of Liberty, why I am fascinated by the New York subway system, decorating tips, a short explanation of why Park Slope really is the fillet of the town, all the music that I can't stop listening to, and bars that play only Tom Waits and Nina Simone. For now, you will simply have to imagine what I might say about those subjects, but basically the general theme underlying it all: I <3 NY.