Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Information I learned over Christmas break:

1. I inherited horrible acid reflux heartburnings from my dad's side of the family. Its mostly if I don't eat frequently enough (a problem I've had lately). Its killing me- especially considering my eating/sleeping/life schedule has been in upheaval for weeks now.

2. As a child, I was NOT one of those kids who was terrified of Santa. Actually, I loved sitting on Santa's lap. Couldn't get enough mall Santa. This is contrary to my previous belief that I was one of those funny terrified screaming kids. The loving Santa scenario fits into my mother's perfectly painted picture of me as a fearless child. A child not terrified to jump off the high dive at the public pool, a child not terrified of wandering around Disney World looking for Space Mountain alone. I was a fearless kid, apparently.

3. My mom is awesome at Wii bowling. So is my 11th grade English teacher.

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