Thursday, October 27, 2005

"and after all, you're my wonderwall."

oddly enough, we walked into a bar and the guy on stage was singing and strumming, "i said maaaaaaaaaybe, you're gonna be the one that saaaaaaaaves me...."

do you want to know why i am so obsessed with time travel? because i want to travel five years into the future and i want promises kept.

jenny, jenny, why so sad? because confusion never hurt so much.

sitting on the hotel bed with my hands placed gingerly on my bent, bare knees. i am looking at you and wondering how we ever arrived at such a strange place. i want to believe that you are telling the truth. but the fact that we are in this situation in this context tells me that honesty is not the highest priority.

so i follow what i told myself from the start...don't do this. karma will bite you in the ass on this one. i've been on the other side of this and it humiliating. so why do i feel so hurt right now?

damned if i do, damned if i don't. keep my head held high and maintain a little self respect.

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